Reference 3A Grand Veenas vs Avalon Eidolon

I currently own a pair of Grand Veenas but have always wondered about the Avalon Eidolon.Is this an upgrade?
In terms of all the audiophile checklist items, I would say yes, especially in terms of soundstaging. In terms of being able to enjoy your music collection, IMHO it's more of a sideways move, as the Ref 3As are extraordinarily musical (as are the Avalons). I think that the Avalons will handle large scale ensembles better than the 3As, though, based on my brief listening to both. The Avalons might require different amplification, though, and their transparency might unmask weaknesses in your source components (we don't know the rest of your system, so this is just a caution), so keep that in mind if you want to upgrade.
Grand Veenas are one of the great buys in audio. Much easier to set up than Avalons.
Apples/oranges really, but my impression is that both would play more or less in the same league and each have their fans.
The Reference 3A works very well with a wide range of amps. The Avalon not. When you go for them, the amps will give you some thinking. High powered amps AND good sound are not cheap. And the set up is much more demanding compared to the Ref 3A.