New D'Agostino Monoblocks...$250,000

The new D’Agostino Relentless monoblocks cost $250,000 per pair.
They weigh in at 485 pounds.
1500 wpc @ 8 ohms...   3000 wpc @ 4 ohms...   6000 wpc @ 2 ohms.
Gorgeous looking amps for sure and I’m sure they perform like crazy.

Be sure to invite me over when you take delivery of your pair.
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Everyone to their own, I am sure they sound scrumptious, but they are not my idea of gorgeous.  Kind of over-the-top.
So - is DD to Krell like Acura to NIssan? Or is it a higher jump than that?
Is a power cord included?
No; rather, they include your own concierge electrician who comes out to your house and installs four dedicated 32 amp lines.