price of Oppo players threw the roof

Was over at Amazon the 203 was priced around $1100. Pure greed.
Whoo Hooo! I just received my 6 I ordered. Well, when you have 6 different households, you know... Only "1 per household". After this last allotment is gone, I will sell these for a substantial profit to purchase my 7th house.
Just kidding. My BDP95 flamed out 2 weeks after they announced "Farewell". I will be grateful to get one 205. My confirmation E-mail came May 9, so maybe in another week or so. 

I spoke with customer service and was told they couldn't tell me how far up or down the list I am.  I  received my confirmation email on May 9 as well.  They told me they are all sold out of this batch but 3or 4 more shipments are due in between now and August.


I have read a couple mention confirmation email at a later date. Pretty sure I got my confirmation email just days after I registered so in April sometime I would say. Maybe that is what they are working off for prioritizing shipments?
Hope you do get one!
Lots of scalping going on. Right here on the Audiogon site there is a brand new, boxed 203 selling for 1000.00 and a 205 for 1995.00 I hate that hobbyists feel the need to rip others off.

i sent a message to the guy who boasted he had just gotten the 205 from Oppo and told him he had no shame. As expected, he didn’t answer.