Using Maple Butcher Block Under a Turntable

When using a maple butcher block under a turntable, what is below the butcher block?  Cone?  Soborthane pucks?  Does it just lay on the shelf?  What are people using and how of they mounting the block?  How are they mounting the table on the butcher block?
nuttin'honey....just butcher block on a table.   Surely you can try whatever you care to, but VPI designed solid suspension works with the block.  Rid yourself of the damper feet and replace them with Bearpaws (very large brass cones...returnable if not wanted) Suspended chasis work best with lightweight tables.  I tried Vibrapods....just muddied up the sound.  Experimentation is fun however
My listening room is up on the second floor so I had to come with a mounting scheme to isolate my turntable (Technics SP10 MKII/ Basis Vector IV arm in Technics Obsidian plinth). I got the large Target wall mount shelf..I removed the standard MDF shelf and spikes...Replaced the spikes with these threaded rubber/cork blocks from Mapleshade that screw into the target shelf. I got a 3" maple butcher block shelf from "Dawn's Platforms" here on Agon that sits on top of those Mapleshade
blocks...I removed the crap feet from the Technical Obsidian plinth and replace with Stillpoints...that sit between the plinth and the maple shelf. It works well for me.
@stringreen Great thought and common sense overlooked!  The table currently sits on a robust set of shelves on which also rests some electronics and hold around 1,000 records.  Maybe not the best place to place a turntable.  

My listening area in a finished basement room.  I can spike a rack to the basement floor, spike the (new) Chop Block board to the rack and use original StillPoint cones on which to mount the Aries Extended.  Hadn't thought to remove the Aries "feet" but they are not in use, that's a no-brainer with this config.  

All I'm REALLY trying to do is get rid of some warmth that seems to be coming from the table (vinyl chain).  I know it's not the electronics (all Herron Audio) and have pretty much isolated it to the arm (JMW Memorial 12) or table itself.  

At the amplification used for mc carts, it's easy to pick up very tiny signals or resonances outside of the music.
All I'm REALLY trying to do is get rid of some warmth that seems to be coming from the table
Try replacing your mat with a vinyl record preferably a 10". Which is what I use.