Oppo 105 D vs. DAC-transport combination.

To my great dismay, the more I listen, I’m finding my Oppo 105 is outperforming a very well thought of DAC and transport combination for which I paid 3x the price.  Basically the sound stage is wider and better defined.
Both the DAC and transport are less than a year old.  I thought I was upgrading.
Played by itself, the DAC-transport combo sounds great.  Until I compare it to the Oppo. 
I can’t understand it!
sorry the Oppo 105 didn’t come close to sounding like your vinyl.  Perhaps if Oppo had figured out a way to compress their dynamic range, add speed instability and most importantly simulate the sound of frying bacon superimposed on the music, then they would still be making players
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(((Isn’t the Ayre Codex primarily a headphone amp?)))

No, its also one of the Best Dacs we have heard for under 5 K period
USB input and Optical. a discrete analog balanced output stage
I would suggest you hear it.

I had originally used the Oppo as transport to the Gumby ( and to my previous Theta DAC) prior to buying the Cyrus.
The Cyrus-Gumby combination sounded better.  
I just never expected the Oppo alone to sound best!

The Ayre Codex has only 19 bit resolution vs the DAC 3 21 bits. The Ayre Codex has 3rd harmonic distortion at (-60 dB) 0.1% at full output and 2nd and 5th harmonic is typically at -75 dB.

For sure the Ayre Codex will sound different - such high 3rd harmonic distortion will likely give it a more euphonic sound similar to a tube amp.

I don’t doubt some people will much prefer the Ayre Codex to the DAC 3. Ayre make excellent products. In comparison the Ayre may sound more rich and musical and the DAC 3 more lean or thin.