Mytek slams Hypex in Stereophile Amp Review

Mytek's chief designer, Michal Jurewicz, told me. "Hypex [class-D modules] cannot drive it, the amps collapse, but this Brooklyn Amp does it with ease."

Which is pretty interesting, because the closest I could find to their specs is from ICEpower modules. :) 

I've not been able to do comparisons with Hypex vs. ICEpower amps, so I have no idea what this is about. I use both but certainly not with difficult speakers. 
BTW, it is NOT OK to brush off Mytek’s criticism as "typical Class-D"

Typical Class D is far better than that. It is a big deal if Mytek is right, or if they are lying. Those are big big claims. And I say this with the full context of the article, not one line or two.

I really expect to see lawsuits threatened over this.

Do any readers have specific experience with Hypex amps and big speakers to confirm or deny Mytek’s claims? Because sadly I do not and I would love to hear a personal experience. 

I mean, all I can say is I like my NAD D 3020, and I love my ICEpower amps, but I'll never have Duntech Sovereigns. :) 
Very confusing thread.  The Stereophile (source) article says:

"Though Mytek ultimately chose an amplifier module from the Danish company Pascal A/S, it's far from an off-the-shelf version. "We use one Pascal," Jurewicz wrote, "but the module is heavily modified.
But Erik says he thinks Mytek uses an ICE module; does he have any reason to believe the article is wrong?
what gets me is that when somebody gets called out on a error, they get all butt hurt, but they dont mind calling out others.

"   My real point was, I personally am _shocked_ a Mytek rep would say this and let it go to print. "

I wouldnt worry about it to much.....

cheeg : 

My bad, I _thought_ that while sober I had seen the insides and it looked like an ICEpower module. I stand corrected, and obviously overlooked that in the article.

Thank you for correcting. 

