Mapman, everyone else... Thanks for the encouraging words. The 2000s do enough right that I want this work out. The added toe-in has smoothed out the mid-upper treble range considerably, although at the expense of a slightly less dimensional soundstage. I will continue to experiment with placement.
My speaker cables are Kimber 4TC - decent budget cables, but I'm sure not the last word in speaker cables. I will look into the DNM option, but as with the speaker bases and matching center speaker, financial constraints will put this purchase on hold. On top of that, I just dropped some coin on a locally well-liked modded DAC. I wasn't ready to upgrade my CDP, but this was an opportunity to pick it up used at a substantial savings.
My speaker cables are Kimber 4TC - decent budget cables, but I'm sure not the last word in speaker cables. I will look into the DNM option, but as with the speaker bases and matching center speaker, financial constraints will put this purchase on hold. On top of that, I just dropped some coin on a locally well-liked modded DAC. I wasn't ready to upgrade my CDP, but this was an opportunity to pick it up used at a substantial savings.