Stillpoints - snake oil?

Anybody here using Stillpoints Ultras? My dealer thinks highly of them, but I am very suspicious.
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Djones  every manufacturer includes a $2 power cord in the box to power their components. However many people have used high end after market power cords to glorious results.  So should a company then have to spend hundred or thousands of dollars to include a high end cord with their product?

The reality is most manufacturers don't want to add  additional costs to their products. Not to mention they might not want to be seen endorsing one particular brand of product. 

If for example Audio Research started putting in a $500 Shunayata power cord or an AQ or Wireworld one, how much would that add to the cost of their product? What if the end consumer already was using a more expensive power cord and didn't like the brand that came with the product, that means that nice $500 power cord wouldn't be used and the end consumer would have paid extra for a product they didn't use. 

Same things with vibration isolation devices there are a large number of companies that make these devices and some companies do use them, we used to sell Audio Aero CD players and they came with Black Diamond Racing footers. 

Try some you might like them.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
If they thought a $500 power cord was all that important to their product I assume they would contract with a company that makes them and place them under their brand. So it would be a $500 Audio Research cord not Shunayata. I recently bought a micrmega amp I'll email them and ask if I need such a cord and if I do why are they cheapo's and sell me junk.

Dave and Troy have spoken/posted...

This alone would make me avoid them like the plague.

" If the manufacturer doesn’t think they are needed, why do you?"

The manufacturer is building a unit to a certain price point, they are not interested in experimenting in after market tweeks. That said, there are many tweeks that do change component performance. It is up to the end user to experiment and decide if it is something they want to use or not.