Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
I have larger OHM 5s fairly close to each other (4 ft) in my larger L shaped room, and smaller OHM 100S3 far apart (10 feet or so, corner in-between) in my smaller 12X12 room.

I think a lot regarding placement will depend on room acoustics and preferred listening location, so I am hesitant to make any general statements about best location. It can vary widely case by case I think, but probably no more so than with most conventional speakers for best results.

I will say that the best location for a conventional box design will likely not be exactly the same as for OHMs, but in many cases there may not be too much difference.
Very true Map, it is like a lot of things, very dependant on room and tastes. I tend to like a bit of spread to my stage, and even when the Ohms are closer together, they still do a good job, I just feel they are a bit more open when pulled apart to some degree.

I think this is one somewhat of a misconception, a lot of people think that the omni's can be just plunked down most anywhere and be okay, and while I think they are maybe a bit less fussy in general with positioning, one can still be rewarded greatly playing with positioning.

I still struggle a bit at times with the Shahinian Obelisk positioning, I like a lot of various positions with them and have a hard time making up my mind which is best for me. Good thing they too are on casters, wheel them around, makes life easier! Tim
By the way Map, just saw your comment in my virtual systems, sorry I rarely go on there. Guess I should check in every now and then! I did respond a bit to a couple of the posts there. Darn, is this the 2000th post on this thread? Good grief, we should have brought Rebbi back for that one....
Mapman do you own OHM? If not you should. You'd at least be their most passionate sales person. Don't mean to offend, just speaking the truth.

Check my system listing. I own 3 pair actually, 2 newer and a pair of older OHM Ls that I have held onto for many years and refurbed myself. I also concurrently run Dynaudio and Triangle speakers.

Yes, I walk the walk and talk the talk when it comes to OHM. I've wavered over the years, but ended up coming back. Home audio would hold a lot less appeal for me without the OHMs. They are most unique. Not for everyone, but OHM owners tend to be a dedicated bunch. I just happen to be one of the more passionate and vocal ones out there I suppose.