In search for speakers of "natural" sound

I am using a pair of Harbeth speakers. However, I am not satisfied with the 'naturalness' of the sound (it could be that I am so demanding). I am looking for a pair of speakers that can produce the more natural and organic sound than Harbeth if there is any.

I know that it depends on the amp, cables, and other variables. However, let's assume that with the appropriate gears, which speakers do you think can produce the "most natural sound"? By "natural", I mean the sound that we hear directly from musical instruments, from the singer without going through any amplification.

There is a user mentioning that speakers from the past used that 'natural sound' as a reference when designed speakers. In contrast, the sound today (even the hi-end one) is to "hi-fi". He guessed it could be less people have chance to listen to live / acoustic music than before.  

Is it right?

Thank you for your experience and recommendation!

P.S: I know that my questions are silly and dumb, please bear with me.

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Ohm Walsh with patented CLS (Coherent Line Source) driver would be worth a listen for something totally different and very natural sounding.    I think they have a demo room at upcoming Capital Audifest in DC area.  
Invoke 'natural' and they're off and running.... ;)
Me?  Just an absurder...'scuse, an Observer....*G*

audiokinesis has some good observations on the subject, as does fsonic...mapman (Hi, guy! *G*) and I are Walsh omni fans, although our taste in 'device applied' is somewhat Different (Ohm vs. DIY, respectively), although the basic desire and concept is the same.

All recorded music is subject to all the tech and tricks that I'm sure you're aware short, a construct.  At the end of the day, all we can strive for is what sounds 'correct'...IMHO, YHO, Anyones'...

I've got the usual 'inputs'...TT, CD, tape, digital sources....
i've got direct radiators, ribbons, my Walsh's...even a pair of Maggies....
Working to add a pair or two of DMLs', just to add to the 'reference mix' of having at play just to be able to 'sample' what they sound like.
My 'stack' of equipment can't go into the typical 'living room'; it looks like a Frankenstack of consumer/pro/DIY/'puter 'stuff' that I can apply 4 levels of eq AND xover AND switchgears so that any or ALL can be running at I can either make them sound like themselves, alone...

...or like each a (granted) crappy space

I find more variance in the recordings.

Pick what sounds good to you.  Until you fall out of love with it.

Happy hunting, and good variable factors. *S*
" You can lead a horse to water, but you can't fix a wife. That's a WAF joke."

...also known as 'gallows humor', the initial response to the Trojan women's 'strike', or another aside from the current  _resident....
('P' deleted on purpose) ;)....

I'm lucky, I spouse generally likes what I make music Sound's what I occasionally choose to Play on it that invokes 'THE LOOK' that made Medusa infamous...

She likes the AMT's, Loves the Maggies' (but can't sit still...*shrug*), and is actually looking forward to when I can make the Walsh's a bit more *ah* LRF (Living Room Friendly) if there's going to be 4 of them....(*...rubbing hands with glee*)....
If you like big black and heavy boxes, try to find yourself some old Westlake monitors. Most neutral and beautiful sounding I heard so far. If they were good enough for Mr. Jones and Mr. Jackson then they're good enough for us...

Agree on better to spend your time hunting for fine and well recorded music than speakers. More variance there. Skip all the bad sounding. Just discovered Nancy LaMott - Talk to me baby :-)