New power cord needed for speaker with powered subwoofer?

I just bought GoldenEar Triton 1 speakers.
They have built in subwoofers self powered with 1800 watts.
My question is would they greatly benefit from new brand name power cords?
Or do you think the power cords designed for them suffice?
I am sure the manufacturer provided power cords will be sufficient. Only by trying a non-OEM cord are you going to find out. Though, to me, I think it will provide a minimal change. As long as the cable provides sufficient current to the amps in the subs, those low frequencies are going to be hard to hear a difference between cables-though I expect some may disagree.
I think you should listen to your system for a few months and then consider upgrading power cords. Only then, will you be able to discern if they do make a difference.
Everything I have has been improved with an aftermarket PC. I don't see why a powered sub wouldn't benefit as well. If you want to, forgo the expensive makes and go with Culllen Cables or something similar. He makes great PCs for a very reasonable cost.

All the best,Nonoise