Recommendation for DAC needed.

I’m looking to replace my Schiit Gumby DAC.  Price range: $2000-3000.
Right now considering Ayre Codex.
Need it for my CD transport as a well as compacity for hi res streaming.
 I don’t need headphone capability.
Any high quality unit recommendations would be appreciated.
@rvpiano, like I sound about 50 posts ago, "The only thing that I found significantly better than my Gumby is very pricey Aqua Formula.".

Any one here dump their Gumby for something they like better(other than an Yggy)? What did you go to and how much did you need to spend to do so? Cheers,
    Hi Richard, always enjoyable to read the discussions you start . Having gone from a Schiit Bifrost Uber Analog ( non multibit ) to the Schiit Yiggy, gave me an improvement, but along the same type sound signature . But my random thoughts are this . Why not put your effort into how you feed your Gumby , as opposed to replacing it . I run a Cardas Clear USB from a Windows laptop . I have had improved SQ by using a better quality USB. I’ve played with Toslink and Digital Coax without improvement. But other people have had a much different experience. I tried the USB Disruptor devise with zero change . My friend had a huge improvement with the devise on his high quality tube DAC. Running Windows I can achieve partial MQA unfolding with Windows before it goes to the Yiggy . My friend with the tube DAC runs a MacBook Pro and has Amarro software installed. The Mac does complete MQA unfolding and the Amarro software allows for digital room correction similar to moderately priced sound correction devices . I also noticed on the Emphirical Audio site , that their reclocker is not recommended with Schiit devices . I don’t have a clear cut direction for you , but as a fellow Schiit owner and familiar with your system , I feel  that there is a potential for a SQ improvement by playing with your source . I fed my Yiggy from my Oppo 105 Darby with no improvement either . But I’ve had good luck with a computer and I’m contemplating a Mac over a streamer . But I would definitely like to try a Bryston , as my friends sounds great . Maybe some of the Schiit owners can chime in on specific source combos and their results. You’re a gentleman and it’s always a pleasure to talk with you . Happy Holidays to all of the AGON community, Mike . 

Thank you much for your kind words.  It’s always informative and a pleasure to speak with you.
 I’m hoping the Arcam streamer I’ve bought is going to improve things.  Actually, I’m finding Chromecast Audio not all that bad after all.  I don’t have a laptop to try out and using my desktop is not feasible, although I’ve heard a direct Ethernet connection is the best way to go. 

Happy holidays to to you too.  Richard