Recommendation for DAC needed.

I’m looking to replace my Schiit Gumby DAC.  Price range: $2000-3000.
Right now considering Ayre Codex.
Need it for my CD transport as a well as compacity for hi res streaming.
 I don’t need headphone capability.
Any high quality unit recommendations would be appreciated.
    Hi Richard, always enjoyable to read the discussions you start . Having gone from a Schiit Bifrost Uber Analog ( non multibit ) to the Schiit Yiggy, gave me an improvement, but along the same type sound signature . But my random thoughts are this . Why not put your effort into how you feed your Gumby , as opposed to replacing it . I run a Cardas Clear USB from a Windows laptop . I have had improved SQ by using a better quality USB. I’ve played with Toslink and Digital Coax without improvement. But other people have had a much different experience. I tried the USB Disruptor devise with zero change . My friend had a huge improvement with the devise on his high quality tube DAC. Running Windows I can achieve partial MQA unfolding with Windows before it goes to the Yiggy . My friend with the tube DAC runs a MacBook Pro and has Amarro software installed. The Mac does complete MQA unfolding and the Amarro software allows for digital room correction similar to moderately priced sound correction devices . I also noticed on the Emphirical Audio site , that their reclocker is not recommended with Schiit devices . I don’t have a clear cut direction for you , but as a fellow Schiit owner and familiar with your system , I feel  that there is a potential for a SQ improvement by playing with your source . I fed my Yiggy from my Oppo 105 Darby with no improvement either . But I’ve had good luck with a computer and I’m contemplating a Mac over a streamer . But I would definitely like to try a Bryston , as my friends sounds great . Maybe some of the Schiit owners can chime in on specific source combos and their results. You’re a gentleman and it’s always a pleasure to talk with you . Happy Holidays to all of the AGON community, Mike . 

Thank you much for your kind words.  It’s always informative and a pleasure to speak with you.
 I’m hoping the Arcam streamer I’ve bought is going to improve things.  Actually, I’m finding Chromecast Audio not all that bad after all.  I don’t have a laptop to try out and using my desktop is not feasible, although I’ve heard a direct Ethernet connection is the best way to go. 

Happy holidays to to you too.  Richard 
@jburidan Ever compare the Hugo or DirectStream to the Gumby multibit or the Yggy? I did a side-by-side of Hugo vs. Gumby in my system and decided to buy the Gumby. 
I have a friend who owns both the PS and the Yggy; he prefers and uses the Yggy the majority of the time. Cheers,
sbank1, preferences are system dependent. Also, each of us has different hearing. I haven't heard the Chord, but would buy the Chord Dave, if I could afford one.