
I am kicking the idea of trying out vinyl. It’s been a long time since I had a turntable and it took a lot of thought whether I can deal with what always seemed like the snap, crackle & pops of an album. Anyway, I’ve decided to take a plunge after all the buzz how awesome it is. Of course before I make any final decisions, I always turn to the Audiogon community for their expert thoughts, opinions and education. I’m also looking for suggestions for a nice affordable table with tone arm and cartridge. Being the fact this is new to me and I may hate it, I’m looking for suggestions on the best affordable set up I can do for a new or used in the price range of $1000/$1500. I’m sure I can get a better bang for the buck going used. I just don’t know anything about these animals. My system is older but I still enjoy it which consist of a Mark Levinson 23.5 amp, Proceed AVP 2+6 used for 2 channel audio, Audio Acoustics model 9 speakers, Ayre DAC for digital with Transparent Audio Ultra mm2 cables. Any input is greatly appreciated!
 That’s a solid choice but you will need to learn to set it up. I own a VPI Prime and it can be finicky the first few times you try to set it up but once you understand the idiosyncrasies you’ll be fine. 

 I agree with others best to go for a decent cart and spend the money on a good pre. 

Ortofon should be a good starting point for you
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I've got my JC Penny turntable hooked up to the custom phono stage I built and it sounds amazing!  It has been a while since I played an LP or even had an LP set-up, probably over 25 years.  But me likes it now!

Happy Listening.  
So my fantastic seller pulled the rug out on me. Long story but guess it is what it is. Bought and paid for a Rega P6 in mint condition, with Exact 2 cartridge, weights, yada, yada,yada. Picking up Saturday. Hope it was a good move.