Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)

I am on a long search for speakers and just curious what people think is the best value both new or used in speakers ranging from around $5000 to $15000? I have a set of Paradigm S8's (V1) and love them but looking for another set for another set in a different listening area (25 x 20?, maybe larger).  I love the full sound of JBL's and looking for something in that range (it also helps that JBL's seem to hold their value better than most, which will be a consideration). The only drawback to JBL is footprint.  I prefer a smaller footprint which is why after reading I hope to listen to several B&W 800 series but open to suggestions across the board.  used Watt Puppies? Revels?  I am curious about peoples experience with McIntosh XR100's. 
I may have given my 2 cnts somewhere in here. Anyway, Emerald Physics 2.8s are on sale, or can be purchased with a little bargaining round $5K. I haven't heard them, but based on my 2 years with their KC IIs, they should be giant killers. Open baffle means you are not paying for cabinetry and they're  96dB so you can run them with small power amp/s
I have the Mcintosh MC501's and have pushed both the Persona's and the Tekton DI's till the power guard lights on both are blinking at me.  They both stayed clean and clear which is impressive given the fact that most Mac stuff is pushing more than the actual rated power. 
Clean power seems to be a huge factor. My OLD set of Maggies MG1 I think buzzed the ribbon with an old Sony ES receiver that I had with not much going through them.  But recently hooked them up to the MC300 in the other room and held up well running some real wattage through them. 

With those Power Guard lights flashing, that amp is putting out somewhere around 750-800 watts RMS as the MC501 has 2DB of headroom.  I am surprised you didn't blow your eardrums out.  I run an MC152 with GE Triton Ref speakers and with the meters at -3db and no power guard lights on, I am getting 108db SPL and it is waaaaay too loud!  You must have a huge room.