Luxman Integrated - What do they sound like

Hi Everyone,

I'm considering getting myself a late 2018 Christma present or early 2019 birthday present.

Modern Luxman reviews are really hard to come by, and are generally just superlative without being very qualitative. I mean, it's all "rah rah rah!! " and no actual details.
For anyone who has listened to them lately, can you tell me what they actually sound like in comparison to other nice amps I might have heard?

Thank you,

@builder3 Can you compare it to any non-luxman gear?
@escorial  The biggest problem with getting an idea from others about Luxman is no one has a good comparison to other gear. Sometimes to Accuphase, but I haven't heard that either.

@builder3 Thanks so much for the review!

Soundstage is one of the items that consistently comes up as being an important differentiator. A good thing. :)
erik, unfortunately for you, I'm not a guy that has had a lot of gear. I bought my amp blind, essentially, which obviously is far from ideal. That being said, I think it's stunning. The gentleman that owned it previously went thru a number of integrateds after that, nearly full circle back to Luxman. My system would be very nondescript compared to most here. Speakers are Paradigm S6's, turntable is MoFi Ultradeck, DH Lab cabling. Detail is superb. I particularly like what I hear in female vocals, guitar, and percussion. I'd also say that the bass control is very crisp. Hope this helps.
hi @builder3

That's what I am finding, the Luxman ecosystem of users is kind of a closed community. The listeners haven't heard a lot of other gear that is in circulation among what we call High End Audio.

Do you get to listen to other gear very often?

Your system sounds perfectly reasonable by the way.
