Low Volume Listening - XLR Cables ??

I'm building a small system intended for low volume listening, primarily in the evenings. 

My Amp and Pre/DAC are Bel Canto and I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions for XLR interconnects between them that might perform particularly well at low volume levels..?

Budget is $1-1,000 new or used.

Speakers are Audience The One and source is Tidal through Amazon Echo/Bluetooth.


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 All of my  XLR’s are Analisis Plus.   I am oh they are very neutral and sound great  add any volume. Before you spend a fortune go to a guitar shop and buy Mogami Gold, ensure that they will let you return them if they don’t  meet your needs. My 3m AP XLR’s  listed for $1100 new. Fortunately I found mine on eBay.  Used.
@oldtiger Really interesting suggestion with the Mogami Gold. Absolutely worth a test drive.

I have top of the line silver balanced AntiCables....let me know if you can use them  a deal
DIY with pure silver, Connex brand from Parts Connexion.

This will cost you under $100 for a pair. Come back and tell me if you find any cables at all worth more than that after.