Headphone cable, what do you do?

I hope it is not just me but none of the headphones I have owned over last few years have long enough cable to reach from my headphone amp to my normal listening, lounging seat.

At present I have been using a fairly cheap 20ft extension cable I purchased off eBay but upon reflection could this be degrading the sq?

Surely I am not the only one in this situation so my question is what do you do? Your solution?
Just a word of warning....

As above post shows I purchased this Grado cable from eBay, it failed last night, lost one channel, yes it is the cable.

Emailed Grado to show my displeasure over failure of a $47 cable in such a short time especially as I have used it no more than 10 times.

Their reply?

see below..

"Hi Kevin
there is nothing we can do as you purchased it from an unauthorized source.
Authorized Grado dealers do not sell on eBay therefore, we cannot know that the cable you bought is a real Grado product
we suggest that you go back to the seller on eBay
any questions, let us know"

So basically they are not willing to back up their dealers if sold online through ebay. Yes this was purchased from a dealer and there are a lot of Grado new products for sale on eBay so my assumption is right now that if you have a problem you are on your own as far as Grado are concerned.

There is no way any Grado dealer can survive without an online presence somewhere and I seriously doubt every single Grado product for sale on eBay right now is from a non authorized dealer!

I have yet to get a reply from the dealer involved and likely never will.

Lesson learned, no more Grado products!
There are many posts on other threads about the truly
outstanding customer service offered by GRADO.
My contacts with them have always been first rate...

When you checked their website, before your purchase, 
did you see a reference to "buying from unauthorized source?"

The "lesson learned" can be "stay away from eBay!"
When I was looking for a similar length extension cable I read a lot of good things about the Grado cable, but ended up buying one from Pro Audio LA.  It's made out of Canare Quad L-4E6S with a Neutrik Gold connector on one end and a locking connector on the other and has a lifetime warranty.  

They have an ebay store or you can buy direct from them.  It costs about the same as the Grado cable.

So basically they are not willing to back up their dealers if sold online through ebay ...
But that isn't what they told you. Rather, the company said the dealer who sold it to you is not an authorized dealer:
there is nothing we can do as you purchased it from an unauthorized source. 
Grado has very good customer service, in my experience. And I think it's good practice for a manufacturer to support the dealers that support them.

How did Grado know if I had bought from an unauthorized dealer?
I never mentioned any names and they never even asked.

Unless Grado are enforcing that NONE of their authorised dealers are allowed to sell on eBay.
Which on its own is a very narrow minded viewpoint and my opinion of Grado has not changed one jot.


Staying away from eBay is not a practical or sensible option in today’s age.

A LOT of major dealers use eBay as it gives a worldwide presence for sales and in today’s modern commerce age just cannot be ignored.