Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Hey guys. Anyone else notice that Tidal likes to be turned up more than other speaker brands? What I mean is it seems like Tidal does not sound as good as other brands at lower levels but the higher you go Tidal sound quality improve exponentially(at least this is the case with my Pianos). My concern is I am hurting my ears without knowing it. The problem is my system lacks any harshness or edge so it doesn't strain my ears. The SPL reads generally 90-95. I wonder if louder is okay without the evidence of grain or harshness or is it actually the sound/decibel level that matters most?
Acording to OSHA sustained(one hour or more)exposure to sound levels at 90db and higher can cause permament hearing impairment.Systems with a low noise floor should easily allow you to listen at levels 60 -70db while preserving reasonable dynamics,detail and a sense of vital energy and life(should`nt sound flat and boring).Listening levels of 75-85db should absolutely be satisfying yet still allow for peaks at higher db levels. If the problem is`nt the speaker then perhaps some other component is the weak link(raised noise floor)
Kclone to ne honest I have the exact opposite opinion! Because of it's completely flat response you can still hear everything at low levels around 85db! Nothing is hiding, everything still sounds at it's place!

On the other hand it really shines on realistic SPLs as great speakers should!!


I think Kclone and Argyro are just telling it like it is.. Both simply describing the sound of different drivers technology incorporated into each their Pianos.

My raw assumption here is that ceramics to provide the superior inner/micro detailing, thus in most cases, would also perform better at lower volume listening.
Kclone, since you quantified this with sound pressure readings, I decided to check my listening levels with a Radio Shack sound pressure meter.

I played several recordings of big band jazz cuts and symphonic cuts with what for me is loud levels. I set the RS meter on C reading and fast and in the 90 db range. I did get some peaks over 90 db, but overall the meter stayed in the minus range.

I think I am playing at what I judge to be the normal level where I up close to the stage.

I think the Tidal are very revealing of what comes before them, but I think my system is losing nothing at louder levels.