Going linear - The Luxman 507ux

No one panic, but I just picked up the last Luxman 507ux in the US. About 110w/ch with power meters. 😀

Ill compare them directly with my Class Ds at home. 
I have the L590axII and absolutely love it. 
A few SS amps I’ve had in the past are Denon 2000, Yamaha a-s2100, tubes- a 300b tube, an EL34 tube, and quite a few others for short stays. 

The Luxman drives high efficiency GPA 604 speakers without effort with the best overall character I’ve heard in my system. 9 o’clock volume dial is plenty loud and nothing but clean. 

It also drives my B speakers of Dynaudio monitors just as well. They are not high efficiency and love lots of power. In my medium sized room I never see more than 11 o’clock volume with no sign of clipping or anything other than clean uncompressed sound.

I suspect at these levels I’m still not tapping into A/B territory yet, so I am not able to comment on when the amp is pushed hard. Neither speaker is a difficult load.

Unless your room is quite large with a difficult speaker load the 590 has plenty of oomph for most purposes. If I thought I needed more power, the next level of output I would consider would be an amp in the (quality) 200 watt range. As that’s most likely the only point it would make a meaningful difference.  

Having said that- I know your 507 is a killer amp- and there’s not much to easily better it

Just my .02$
Thanks everyone! I can see why the 590 would win hearts and minds.

TBH, if I hadn't gotten the 507 for half off, I would probably never have gone wiht Luxman. I'm very lucky to have gotten such a deal, but I can't see myself spending 2x more for another integrated. :)

I'm very happy I went with Luxman, and now just have to convince myself to give up my 5.1 speakers.
erik, I understand the cost aspect. My amp is the L-590AX, not the newest AXII, which had just came out when I bought mine. I bought it used, it looked perfect, though, and I paid around $4300 for it. It was a lot of money to me, but still near $5000 less than new. It took awhile, but I made up my mind that I was going with their TOTL integrated, rather than always wonder "what if".  I haven't regretted it.
For whatever my experience is worth, I found the remote control actually perfectly executed. Initially, I was just like erik_squires. Why would anyone make all the buttons same size and quite small, etc. However, after a while, I noticed that buttons are laid down in a way that almost all are easily found/recognized without looking. The space between them (on the left side) makes it so, I think. True, "loudness" and "line straight" are trickier, but those that I regularly use (on/off, meter, volume, mute, line 1, balanced 1, phono), are all easy.

Has anyone compared 590axII (if that is the newest one) and 509x (again, the newest one, I think)? I know they are different (class A and so on) and in some theory one would be "warmer", but the difference in price is smallish. I do not doubt that both are stellar, but if anybody has experience with both, I would appreciate your thoughts.

For some reason, Luxman decided that finding dealers should be an exercise for customers so I gave up guessing where to audition them. The only way I know is to e-mail the distributor (very friendly and responsive man, by the way) with your location and then he tells you who to call. If you happen to be travelling, write many e-mails, I guess.