Schitt turntable anyone?

Hi folks, looking like the new Schitt turntable is nigh upon us. Could this be a giant killer?

If this is under $800 it will tear up the competition methinks.
It’s kinda creepy to have a stalker/fanboy. Glad I’m not a celebrity. 
    You are free to go against conventional wisdom of course. That is why there are marginal products of every kind, to suit people who must be different.

That’s pretty funny, conventional wisdom that is.  It’s conventional wisdom that has seen the brick and mortar business model suffer serious losses for the last decade.

if you can’t evolve and adapt with the changing marketplace, then the Schiit Audios and Emotivas will do it for you.

Heard the Schiit Sol at AXPONA. Looks a lot more expensive than the proposed $699 retail and sounds great. The arm alone looks complex yet elegant and well engineered. This must be a loss-leader.
What cart was Schiit using on the Sol?
Did you get a chance to cue up any records to check how the unipivot handles?