Looking for a little help for speakers I may purchase

I recently went to audio dealer near me and by accident decide to listen to a used pair of egglestonworks andra.  I must say I was completely blown away by the sound. I decided I will listen one more time this weekend.  And for the price being very affordable I will put them in my bedroom.  They were hooked up to prima tube. But I dont want to put tube in my room. And want to keep amp and pre under 2 or 3k. Any suggestions? Used is fine. Ty
For an amp, if you have the physical space:
The model is recently discontinued, and usually around $5k, so if you are interested I'd move quickly.

Why don't you ask the dealer for a recommendation?  How many people responding to this thread will actually have experience pairing those exact speakers with an amplifier?  
I had Andra1 Speakers a while back. Good  sound but a little heavy on the bass, however they like power.
I guess I won't know if I don't ask the question.  Also I would imagine I'm not the first person to ever listen to them, so I would say many.  I don't mean to sound rude, but really tired of being on a website that is all about audio and some are offend when you ask an audio question.  And I will ask the dealer.  I would not think he has listened to them with all the equipment out there, especially since he took them in on trade. Now back to the people interested in audio.
I have EgglestonWorks Fontaines, the Andra's little brother (same top three drivers, but no 12" bass drivers). Prior to going to all tubes I did have one of Frank Van Alstine's amps which sounded very good on them and had plenty of power. Check out his products - well built, sound good, excellent customer service. If I ever switch back to ss I'll seriously consider buying one of his amps again.