MORE Esoteric problems

Hi all, I posted an issue with Esoteric CD players a couple of years ago. I bought a UX-3SE from an eBay seller. It skipped all CD's. I called Esoteric. ALL SACD players with the "U" model numbers need to go to Japan because that's where the alignment jig is. $2500.00 at that time JUST for the shipping back and forth. I returned the player to the seller naturally. An Asian gentleman working at TAP electronics told me at that time that the models with the "X" can all be repaired in California. Great I said. I bought an Esoteric X-01. A great player! Now it doesn't read SACD's. I sent it to TAP last week. A follow up call from TAP gave me the dreaded news that NOW the X-01 needs to go to Japan for the jig alignment procedure. WHAT! They did reduce the transportation cost to $1600.00. And this is for shipping only. I think that the audio community needs to send Esoteric a message and boycott ALL Esoteric products. BTW, it's not just their CD players that are required to make the trip to Japan if repairs are needed. I understand that certain models of preamp and integrated amps fall under this requirement as well. How can a company such as Esoteric not do better for the consumer?
I too own a K-01x and had it professionally serviced with excellent communication from TAP Electronics!

Just saying...for my "second den " system I chose a Rega Isis s.s. because they are repaired here, stored not one but TWO sled mechanisms in the owners name AND come with a dedicated Dac, though sampling only for Redbook cd's...

Whoever buys an Esoteric K-01X will end up with a very expensive door stopper. Good luck trying to find reputable service.

Shame on Teac & Esoteric USA for not backing there Warranty !
Joe, The truth is; E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G in this industry will eventually be a door stop. Esoteric has gone above and beyond in their servicing of older CD players. Sony and most other Japanese manufactures only stock parts for 10 years. At that point they purge that OLD inventory. My XO-1 is sixteen years old and Esoteric is willing to maintain it AND in my humble opinion it stills sounds fantastic!
I can confirm that TAP can replace a laser assembly of an Esoteric UX3-pi in house. I was told that there would be no shipping of anything to Japan if it turns out I need a new transport.  I was just there today. They have a nice facility. They inspire confidence that they can get the job done professionally.