Zu Soul Superfly

I just ordered a pair of the new Zu speakers on a whim. I was going to wait for information, but the fact that they threw in the free superfly upgrades to the first 30 people got me.

From a similar thread it sounds like some of you guys have heard the speaker despite information only being released today. I'm wondering what you can share about it?

Also, I am really hoping it works with a Firstwatt F1 amplifier. Can anyone comment as to that? I know the Druid's and Essences worked OK.
Naggots: It is interesting. You listen standing up, which unless you are very short places your ears much above top of speaker. In sitting position, ear is between center of FRD (tweeter) and supertweeter which seems more sensible to me for tonal accuracy.

Also, it is excellent you have dual mini methods. I wish I had two subs like this, but I just have one. I am curious as to why you are interested in having sound good in all positions, ie. have bass be smooth while walking around. I think this is very difficult to achieve and is certainly not sonic goal of mine. My bass sucks outside of listening position and is OK in listening position. But when I am in listening position I pay attention, and when I am walking around I am usually also doing something else.

My suspicion is that wide dispersion FRD will improve sound at all positions but make sound worse in listening position. Not interesting to me in and of itself, although I could do things to my room to limit this effect and other parts of it might be good depending on whether how much dispersed sound was, say very high upperbass/midrange and below vs. above.

I am very interested in how reported measured smoothness of FRD compare to Druid FRD which measures ragged (and I only between above upper bass but below HF where Greiwe loading and essence tweeter should not be issue). What problems do you hear in your current set-up that you are specificlly hoping new Soul FRD will help address. Looking forward to learning more!

Phil: You say one thing, then you say opposite thing. This zig and zag you do, it is like talking to serpent.
After speaking to Sean he says the new FRD will have more pop in the mid bass but slightly less deep bass than the mk4/08 the combo of lighter cone and stronger motor. Should also have slightly more dynamic scale....... Wider soundstage would also be a benefit to me.

I listen standing and moving around mostly as I have kids running wild and don't usually have quality time. I agree seated is best........

The 2 minis integrate so well as I can move them around to suit the room. Something you can't do with presence or definitions.
Yes. There is something to be said about separate LF and mains. Or even separate LF, bass, and mains if you have tools to re-integrate.

Anyway, eager to hear your report.
>>You say one thing, then you say opposite thing. This zig and zag you do, it is like talking to serpent.<<

I think you must simply not be reading carefully what I write. Maybe your busy or just don't want to; I can't say. But in nearly every rejoinder you've misstated a position I clearly articulated in a prior post. My POV in this thread has been consistent. But I've separated things that I might worry about (which is not as much as you're concerned with) from the realities of others who see no reason to be so precise about their sound. Like this comment/question of yours:

"I am curious as to why you are interested in having sound good in all positions, ie. have bass be smooth while walking around."

An audiophile might grok it, but it's a ridiculous question to a music lover - more of whom Zu would like to sell to.

>>My suspicion is that wide dispersion FRD will improve sound at all positions but make sound worse in listening position.<<

I'm sure you'll find this not to be true if you decide to spring for Soul Superfly. I noted that the new FRD has "widER" dispersion, which is not quite the same as saying "wide." It's not nearly as wide as, say, Definition. It's wide enough. You still can get a focused, toneful, room-minimizing sound in a single listening position if that's what you really want to set up for, which I understand. Many do not want that and won't feel victimized by a beamy speaker.

>>Druid FRD which measures ragged (and I only between above upper bass but below HF where Greiwe loading and essence tweeter should not be issue).<<

I went roundabout with Sean and Adam on this once. They objected to juxtaposing the terms "Griewe" and "loading." It was reminiscent of trying to get a succinct explanation of B3 in their cables. Lacking a more precise nomenclature, we used the combined term "Griewe Model" for the rest of the conversation. Well, it turns out the Griewe scheme has influence on the behavior and sound of the FRD right through its range. Druid really didn't have much Griewe model in it, but just enough to be beneficiary of an idea. Essence and Soul are full Griewe model speakers, Soul being a further refinement over Essence, which you can hear in the nearly same bass performce of Essence in a smaller cabinet, and an audibly smoother more open midrange than Druid or Essence.


Gotta agree with Phil here. There appears to be some misunderstanding as his posts have been crystal clear in terms of their language and helpful in clarifying the sound of the Superfly.
