Need a new cartridge recommendation for clearudio concept black.

Bought this table with the concept MM V2 cartridge. Promptly trashed the needle.  I should blame it on my kids, but I think I did it.

What do you recommend replacing this with in that price range?  < $400 or so.

Thanks for any help,

Audio Technica VM540ML
This will smoke your old cartridge. Don't be put off by it's low price.
1+ on the 2M Bronze. The Grado Prestige Gold 2 has a consumer replaceable stylus and the Grado Reference Sonata 2 will outperform all the previously mentioned cartridges. For MM cartridges it is very hard to beat Ortofon and Grado. My favorite MM cartridge is the Ortofon 2M Black. At it's price it is a real winner. (also removable stylus). High output moving coil cartridges have higher effective masses due to the larger coils and tend not to track as well. 
for a MM-only phono preamp I prefer the Hana EH over the Ortofon 2M Bronze.  Both are at the same price point.
The Sumiko Moonstone has been a great cart for me.  Easy to set up, smooth and engaging sound, and replaceable stylus when the time comes.

These are great.  Thanks.  I think the clearaudio phono preamp switches easily between MM and MC.  Would you all suggest MC in that case?