Hi Wilsynet,
I have the Driud V's in a room a little bigger then yours and run an Undertone sub with no problems. All rear ported speakers gave me bass problems. The Zu's bottom ports load a room much better.
If you can swing the extra money go with the Druids.The cabinet is very quiet, and with the FRD at the top of a taller speaker the soundstage has more height.
I love mine. I am running them with my 300b Franks and the sound is wonderful!
I have the Driud V's in a room a little bigger then yours and run an Undertone sub with no problems. All rear ported speakers gave me bass problems. The Zu's bottom ports load a room much better.
If you can swing the extra money go with the Druids.The cabinet is very quiet, and with the FRD at the top of a taller speaker the soundstage has more height.
I love mine. I am running them with my 300b Franks and the sound is wonderful!