Zu Soul Superfly

I just ordered a pair of the new Zu speakers on a whim. I was going to wait for information, but the fact that they threw in the free superfly upgrades to the first 30 people got me.

From a similar thread it sounds like some of you guys have heard the speaker despite information only being released today. I'm wondering what you can share about it?

Also, I am really hoping it works with a Firstwatt F1 amplifier. Can anyone comment as to that? I know the Druid's and Essences worked OK.
Hi Wilsynet,
I have the Driud V's in a room a little bigger then yours and run an Undertone sub with no problems. All rear ported speakers gave me bass problems. The Zu's bottom ports load a room much better.

If you can swing the extra money go with the Druids.The cabinet is very quiet, and with the FRD at the top of a taller speaker the soundstage has more height.

I love mine. I am running them with my 300b Franks and the sound is wonderful!

One day I will have a pair of Coincident Frankensteins. Morganc brought his pair over once, and I was floored with how good they sounded. Why he sold them, I'll never know.

The Franks are in my want to have list, as is the First Watt J2. Both do what they do superbly well.
Hi Wilsynet,

My Druid V's are in a room very similar in size to yours.
No issues what so ever with placement.

If you do go for the Druid V's the Dueland Black Copper Caps are a must on the high frequency network, expensive but definately worth it IMO.

The Druid V is an investment in your connection to the music IME, well worth every penny.

James from the UK
So, been a while and I’ve just done a fairly radical update to my system. Have binned my Naim CDX2 source after 18 years and the realisation that it’s now too harsh for my ageing tinnitus ridden ears allied to a plain simple lack of space for any more CDs. System is now Innuos Zenith 3 into Chord Hugo TT2 DAC going into a Naim 202/200 HCDR and NAPSC and all into the rather wonderful Zu Soul Superfly. 

Very long story cut short: The source is wonderful. The speakers are wonderful. The amplification is probably a level below what I need but holds its own reasonably well. However, at slightly higher volumes where the Superfly comes to life there is a lack of consistency and mid warmth. Rock in particular sounds under-powered. 
I am aware of an impedance mismatch between the speakers and the amp. It’s not the end of the world. I don’t tend to drive things loudly. Equally they have previously soared for years.  
Mrs. H. has ruled out valve amps for a variety of complex and not unreasonable reasons so I have several thoughts on which I’d like a view.

1 - loading resistors from Zu. I’ve yet to speak to Naim or Zu about this but people on other forums tend to the view that it’s a cheap thing to try but likely won’t make any difference. Your thoughts would be welcome. 
2 - if loading resistors then which ones? It’s been suggested 10ohm would be the contender but I’m unclear (and lack the technical knowledge) as to why. Again, thoughts?

3 - a replacement solid state amp which would work better with the Superfly. I’m well aware it was designed for valves but equally aware that several users found solid state amplification which sounded great. It’s been a few years since I’ve been on this thread but it seemed the obvious place to start. Who here continues to use their Superfly with solid state and what options are on the table. My funds will initially be limited to £2k but could stretch to £4k as the year progresses. 
If it helps then the Innuos source is pretty neutral and relaxed whilst the DAC is phenomenally detailed but also incredibly relaxed. I’d like to keep the detail but add some mid range. 
Thanks in advance. 
@mahughes have you ever tried running your speakers straight from the Hugo? I’ve heard of people doing that with efficient enough speakers. You need a special cable, but supposedly from the balanced out it can deliver 18W into 8 ohms. Might be an interesting experiment. 

Look for a Class A sweeter sounding SS amp if tubes are a no go - Pass/First Watt, Sugden. Maybe keep an eye out on the local used market.