How many of us are truly satisfied with their systems?

By truly satisfied, I mean, zero desire to change a thing-

I'll raise my hand- and being at a happy place with my system is a happy thought- 

At present, I'm also in a happy place with my system, but the old saying "curiosity killed the cat" comes to mind. I would think most of us are curious types who honestly enjoy the gear. (We certainly enjoy chatting about it endlessly.) Please, someone explain exactly where the curiosity on/off switch is located inside my head. Please.
I’m always on the lookout 👀 for the next fix, on the prowl. 🦍 Am I the only one who gets easily bored with the sound? If I can’t double the performance I’m having a bad week.
I am, well, I thought I was. Here is the story:

Since writing about the above system 2 years ago I now find myself thinking about upgrading the McIntosh C50 to a C52. I must be an audiophile! All the same, I still think this system is incredible as is.

You cannot be bored by the sound...If you are Geoff it is because you are not satisfied by the actual musicality of your audio system...It is my own experience...When you have it you listen to the music and forget more of the sound...