SS Amp Designer by Reputation

It looks like I'm going to try my first solid state amp soon. Looking for used < $3k. I've seen many brands here like Krell Jeff Roland, Pass, PS Audio, etc. Frankly, I don't have time to read endless reviews or discussion threads and auditioning before I purchase is out of the question.

So, is there a consensus on the top 3 manufacturers/designers that I can focus on when shopping? I will certainly end up selling it and trying something else anywho so, it's not important that I'll nail it on my first try. I just want to make sure my first purchase is close to the bulls eye.

Once I get the three brands, I'll do my research on a particular model from there.

You should add McIntosh to your list. They have been making amps for 70 years. I have friends that own their gear and swear by it!
Also, McCormack, which should fit your budget. And, you can have SMcAudio upgrade it.
What are your other components?That would help in narrowing down the choices.