Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??

I'm looking at obtaining a power conditioner and had my sights set on an Akiko Corelli when an Inakustik 3500P got my attention.  I have found only one reference to the 3500P on Agon while there is some notable props on the Corelli here.  

Thanks for any experience you might be willing to share.
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I received the Inakustik AC-3500p power conditioner today. Slightly underwhelmed at the packaging because the box was plain jane brown (but very thick) box without any "Inakustik" marking on it. The box was in GREAT shape, considering that it traveled from Canada to the US. There was very good packaging inside to prevent damage to the unit while in-transit. The unit was wrapped in clear plastic. Also the manual was a thin leaflet manual. It is a clean looking SUBSTANTIAL unit - almost as big (but not heavy or deep) as the Parasound A21 amp. Still, you cannot miss this power conditioner.
It is been an hour and I have put on a CD and left the room, for the system to warm up. I have been advised 24 hours minimum break-in. So when I go down to listen tonight, I expect no great shakes. Lets hope that this unit makes some difference in my system as it burns in.

Completed the first listening session with the new unit. Was expecting to be underwhelmed, since I was "left wondering" by a power conditioning demo at AXPONA 2017 and also the packaging of the unit - no fancy box, manuals, a generic power cord, etc.But let me leave this comment for now, more later, when I find time:

Audiogon probably had problem with my wording and did not post the final comment from last night. So let me word it more appropriately: