Any other lone audiophiles here?

By "Lone" I mean you have no other local audiophile buddies. That describes my experience. My wife and I usually listen together. I have no other friends to borrow equipment or to audition theirs. In spite of that I believe I've done a pretty good job of putting together a system which is very good. I've done it strictly by reading reviews, etc and lots of research. I see the situation as both an advantage and maybe a curse. The advantage is that Maybe I don't know what I'm missing. The curse is may be that I often wonder IF I need to upgrade? Or am m missing something.? Like right now. I just bought a CJ CT5 preamp which is silly good.So now I wonder about my amp? The CJ retails for 8x more than my silly little tube amp...a Bob Latino ST-70. Yet I believe that amp is fully pulling its weight while hooked to a preamp which is silly good. Surely, this amp can't be the be all end all. However It did replace an amp which retails for 4x its price. Who knows? maybe its the ST-70 which needed a better preamp to show off its stuff. Nonetheless, I enjoy the music  immensely. and all the advice I've gotten from people on the forums over the years. FWIW, I also play drums  and have played live. So I DO know what live music sounds like. So, maybe I'm not shooting totally in the dark.
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Last thing I need is someone hogging my head in a vice spot or laughing at my musical taste. Would be nice to have a friend though. As for sharing music with the wife, she can hear it through the floor.
I have several audio friends--one I grew up with, my brothers, my former roommate in college who taught me a lot about good music and how to keep records in good shape, along with a couple good buddies now that either bought something from me or I bought from and live pretty close to me.  We get together every now and then about once a month or so.  We have a great time and we use the extra sets of ears to help evaluate any decisions we are trying to make on equipment.  CAN be very helpful.  I know what they like and they know my preferences too.  It's good fun and no one gets arrested so far.

I only have one audio buddy - my own brother living about an hour away.Still,we only get together a couple of times a year to listen and critique each other's systems.I agree it would be easier to put together a system if there was a shop nearby or a few friends to swap equipment with.The few times I've been able to listen to systems in shops in the last 20years or so I came away feeling very good about what I already own.The latest and greatest equipment rarely lives up to expectations.