Silfoth we didnt bad mouth Salk we in fact said for the Op large room he would need the Salk model with the powered woofers.
Nor did we badmouth Wilson
Our quote
Mtdining, the Sabrina are excellent loudpeakers that are not designed for this size room.
You would need a set of Daw or Alexias to provide enough air movement for this size room
Rbach there are no words suitable for you. You and Rebstero are complaining we only endorse our products didnt we just say above
Our quote
Twoleftears unless subs are used still way too small for the op room also not efficient enough.
The encore 3 is the only Salk that would work to cover that much air space.
Legacy, Tekton, Salk encore would really do the job.
We dont sell Salk or Tekton now do we?
Silfoth look at myostyn reply above and see who is being nasty unless the moderators removed it he said some pretty insulting things.
Big flat planers have tons of problems.
To recap to fill up a big room properly
1. High efficiency speakers
2. High power handling
3. High spl output the combo of above as well as having low levels of compression
4. Deep bass output
Horns with subs, compression drivers, dynamic loudspeakers, large dynamic loudspeakers will all do it.
It is really that simple.