My beloved CDP finally bit the dust

Time for a  new front end.The laser and transport mechanism was designed as an entire unit,easily replaceable in my Vincent S6.Except the unit is no longer available.I've enjoyed it for the past nine years and I will miss it terribly.
I've got a Cambridge CXC along with a Parasound Zdac v2 on the way as a replacement.I don't stream,just enjoy physical media for now.Both are returnable if one or both don't work out.I didn't want to spend $$$ an end up in the same situation a few years down the road.I could up the budget but I'm not sure it's necessary.I'm hoping for a similar smooth sound with detail that's not harsh.
So what do you guys and gals think?Am I on the right track?My other components are LTA MZ2,Aric Audio Transcend Push Pull amp,Tekton Impact Monitors,four subs.Blues and rock,acoustic and electric is my preference for music.Any suggestions for 'plan B' components are welcome.
After the ten hour mark I'm hearing some changes.I've been letting it play a few hours at a time at low levels but not really listening since my daughter is here visiting for a few days.Today she wanted to hear some ShineDown and some Jack White so I cranked it up a bit.The 'dense tubeyness' has dissipated and it's cleaner and more balanced.Electric guitar was amazing,the vocal nuances were clearer,just an overall more natural sound.Now I'm craving some BB King cranked UP.I'll post an update after the 20 hr mark when most of the break in is supposed be accomplished.
After the 25 hour mark the Tubadour continues to change as it breaks in.So it seems 20 hours is not an accurate time frame.The treble has become a little harsh,but I'm betting that clears up over the next few days.Other than that the overall sound is open,dynamic,and organic.Today's high point was playing Chris Thomas King recorded live at the Kalamazoo Blues Festival.I was at that particular festival right up front and center.Just perfect:-)
I'll post again after 50 hours for any who are interested.
Thanks for the continued feedback. I remain interested int the Tubadour, not sure when I will pull the trigger. 
@mesch good to know I'm not just talking to myself,lol.I'm always bummed when someone promises an update and the thread just ends abruptly.
I read where Vincent has released a tubed DAK, a time least in the U.K., I don’t see it available in the States yet