Am I asking for too much??

I figured posting this question in the speaker section would be appropriate, but it also applies to all other areas of our hobby.
Having just read the review by Jim Hannon in the September issue of Absolute Sound of the Zellaton Stage, I am left with a hyperbole laden advert for the speaker in question. Hyperbole like this...quote" The Stage not only transports you to the recording venue, it helps you "be at one" with the artists and delve deeply into the performance and the music."


So to my question, am I asking for too much with this question....instead of layering hyperbole upon hyperbole in these reviews, how about adding a paragraph or two about what the speaker ( in this instance, but could be any other gear reviewed like this) does NOT do well. Now, IF the reviewer cannot fathom what the gear does NOT do well, and therefore doesn’t have the discriminatory ability necessary to determine that ( and this is a whole other question), then at least some comment to state that he cannot hear where the gear falls down. ( believe me, they all do compared to the ’real’ thing, just how is the question). Or, is that simply too much to ask for???

Lastly, how does this type of review assist me in determining what the speaker really sounds like in reference to my reference...or the ’Absolute Sound’ as defined by HP. 
(therefore, what value does it really have for me, or the consumer?)

I find the impedance, phase angle, and sensitivity measurements provided by JA to be very useful. Other than that the reviews provided by any of the 'rags' serve only to stir interest. I only get a chance to audition speakers when traveling. Look for those I have read about (including via this forum) and took interest in.
One nice change since JA left I hope we can all agree on is that the photography is no longer wall to wall.

Apparently he used to insist that all the room pictures be speaker to speaker, which left a lot of dead space. If you think about it, most of the pictures were curtains and carpets.

Better angles, and closeups as well as being willing to cut 1 of the two speakers out of the picture have really made their show coverage more interesting.
   The relationship between the manufacturers and periodicals is easy fodder to question since the two rely so heavily on each others commerce, its just business. 
   In my opinion It behooves the reader to familiarize themselves with the individual reviewers reference system, the level or brands they've reviewed in the past and more importantly their descriptive vocabulary. The business almost requires that vocabulary be generally positive but to what degree? Get to know the reviewer. 
   Electrical synergy. If anybody has the ability to assemble components relying solely on the manufactures provided information your good. I'm not. Measurements must be such a pain in the ass to do and I appreciate those who publish their findings. I'm thrilled that one of those people is Bass player!

   If you've canceled your monthly subscription because of suspected industry collusion or whatever, a monthly subscription can now be cheaper than a local newspaper.             

Consider the symbiotic relationship between manufacturers and reviewers.

The manufacturer sends the product to the magazine/reviewer on extended loan for months if not years.  Sometimes they never get it back.  Sometimes they lend more stuff.  And the reviewer can always finally buy it at the "accommodation" price.

Consider what happens if the reviewer gives a bad review.  The manufacturer will no longer loan him any more product, and may even look twice at that whole magazine.  Other manufacturers see that that reviewer gave a bad review, and also steer clear of him.

Magazines claim that there are no bad reviews in them any more because there's no much product, that they just avoid reviewing inferior items.  But obviously there's another reason.