Speaker cables for OHM Walsh 5 MKII?

Any OHM speaker users out there have any opinions on the
best speaker cables to bring out the most in them?
Using with a Tact Digital amp.

Thanks for any thoughts!
FWIW, I am using entry-level Kimber Kable on my Walsh 2000s. They sound good to me, but I haven't compared them to anything else. I do intend to at least try higher-end cables at some point, however.
Thanks for the replies guy's! Any recommendations on setup
as I find no real answers anywhere. I know it's all room dependent, but wonder if there are any do's or dont's with these as starters. I have them sounding really good, so I
must be close!
For starters, at least a foot or two from rear wall and at least a foot or so from sides, with speakers generally farther apart than distance from listening position, but this can vary. Make sure tweeters are pointing forward towards the center of the room, in general crossing in front of prime listening position.

For 5s with adjustments, I recommend starting off towards lower settings for room size and bass/position relative to walls, then tweak from there as needed to get the best blend of soundstage and imaging and bass levels. Moving out from rear walls in general will improve imaging but will also affect bass levels. Small differences in actual location can make a big difference. Experiment until tuned in optimally.
Thanks Mapman! I seem to be off in the right direction
as that is pretty much the way I'm doing it.

I have them 2'6" from wall to back of "can" and they are
8'7" center to center, and I am 11' back. Settings are
(and seem to be best) at 0,0,-,0.

Maybe I will try spreading them out a bit further, but
think I am loosing the center fill & imaging if I do that.

I wonder if John at OHM makes a bottom plinth or what ever
to replace these wheels on the Walsh 5's. Makes moving them
in small increments hard on thick carpet!

Thanks again for your suggestions!

I prefer the casters. They make it easy to adjust location and lock it in as needed. Casters may only be available for the older pyramid shaped cabinets that are wider towards the bottom. Not sure though.

I had a pair of orignal Walsh 2s for years that I put castors on myself for this purpose.

Good point regarding distance between speakers and center imaging. I think a good general rule is put them as far apart as possible while still maintaining a solid center image. Mono recordings can be useful to help determine this.

Also, in general, the farther out from the wall, the farther apart the speakers can be and still retain the solid center image.

If you loose the solid center image, the speakers are too far apart.

You may find that once the solid center image is locked in optimally for mono recordings, the stereo recordings then fall right into place with no further adjustments.

It took me over a year to finally land my Walsh 5S3s in their current location where they have resided now for about a year. My L shaped room is particularly problematic though I have found the omni OHMs to work quite optimally in there once I got everything right.

I have a really non-conventional asymetrical setup for my Walsh 2S3s in my small 12X12 office that I stumbled on, but that is a topic for another day.

One other thing I have found is that any changes or tweaks in the system otherwise generally results in some tweaks to speaker location being needed as well in order to optimize everything.

Good luck!