First order/Time Phase-Coherent speakers discussions

"The game is done! I’ve won! I’ve won!"

I would like to use this thread to talk about this subject which I find rather fascinating and somewhat difficult to get my hands on. I went through a course in electromagnetism in college and I have to say this is even more confusing and you won’t find the answer in calculus, physics, Einstein relativity be damned it’s not in there either and definitely not in quantum physics. Listening to the "experts" from Vandersteens and Stereophile but ultimately it all came down to a missing link sort of argument ... something like this:
"Since if a speaker can produce a step response correctly, therefore it is time-phase coherent, and therefore it must be "good".

It’s like saying humans come from chimps since they share 90% genetic content with us, but we can’t find any missing links or evidence. FYI, we share a lot of gene with the corn plants as well. Another argument I’ve heard from John Atkinson that lacks any supporting evidence and he said that if everything else being equal, time-phase coherence tends to produce a more coherent and superior soundstage, but to the best of my knowledge, nobody has been able to produce some semblance of evidence since there is no way to compare apples to apples. Speaker "A" may have better soundstage simply because it’s a BETTER design, and the claim "time-phase coherent" is just a red herring. There’s no way one can say the "goodness" from "time-phase coherence" because you can’t compare apples to apples. Ultimately it’s a subjective quantification.

I’ve been doing some simulation and I will post some of my findings with graphs, plots, actual simulation runs so that we are discussing on subjective personal opinions. Some of my findings actually shows that intentionally making time-phase may result in inferior phase problem and NOT better! (will be discussed more in detail).

Having said all that, I am actually in favor of first order/time-phase coherent if POSSIBLE. I am not in favor of time-phase coherence just for the sake of it. It’s just that there are a lot of mis-information out there that hopefully this will clear those out. Well hopefully ...

Here my preliminary outline:

1. My "subjective" impression of what is "musicality" and how it’s related to first order filters.
2. Interpretation of step-response. I’ve read a lot of online writing with regard to the interpretations but I think a lot of them are wrong. A proper interpretation is presented with graphs and simulations.
3. A simulation of an 1st order and higher order filters with ideal drivers and why time-phase coherence is only possible with 1st order filter. This part will use ideal drivers. The next part will use real world drivers.
4. A simulation with actual drivers and how to design a 1st order/time phase coherent speaker. Discuss pros and cons. And why time-phase coherence may actually have phase issues.
5. Discuss real world examples of time-phase coherence with Thiel’s and Vandersteens speakers (and why I suspect they may not ultimately be time-phase coherent in the strictest sense).
6. I’ll think of something real to say here ... :-)
I won't argue, but I will say that I've never seen absolute phase alignment between drivers without electronic crossovers.
In my past experiences, most competent engineers will figure our how to "fix" it.  But the difference between a merely good engineer to one who can actually make money is that he understands the consequence of his "fixing".  

Ever heard of stories of a mad genius?  They all know exactly how to "fix" things, but nobody hires him because he'll end up breaking more things than fixing.

Hence I fear ... I fear ... I fear ... the electronic crossovers ... will they turn all my musics into mp3?  Will they cause mad hysteria and drive me to insanity?
@andy2've likely been to concerts....outdoors...they use electronic crossovers with utter abandon....

It's the only real means to make all that stuff behave, make the beer swigger behind you bellow like a beast because of the 'axe solo' he/she/'it' just have trample their neurons into some version of 'audio nirvana' that 'us puristas' abhor the response to....(as we sip our merlots, transported by our multi-$ private systems...) *LOL*

Yes, I'm being vaguely 'snotty' about that, but it is the same sort of insanity; basically, Good, and Good for You....and Them.

It's only the 'pink noise' of the audience response...the yelling, applause, whistling, and general racket that's driven me to take 'roadie' and other 'specialized' earplugs to concerts, keeping my hands near my shoulders to save my hearing for why I'm there in the first place. *chagrined G*

Timing becomes All.... ;)

If you go crazy. well...  I guess you can stay home.  Not go to clubs either.
Or any public events, short of chamber music....nice, Quiet stuff...

Yes, being facetious...*sad S*

"Poor Andy...can't take him Anywhere...*long sigh*....


This is old...there's been 'improvements', and more pending.  Read the comments.  Primitive, yes.  Less so now... ;)

...'course, you're listening in mono to omnis thru a camera with a lousy mike.  Think of a sunset taken with a pinhole camera onto b&w film, and processed in the sink.

...and it's 4 years ago....;)
Go listen to where I first ran into the music played behind the 'ride'....;)

Beautiful music, a lovely vocal, and stupendous scenery....*S*

Pity all 3 are dead now. RIP, y'all.

But the Ridge remains...
The problem with your perfect single driver is that it ain’t, in fact very very very few purpose built narrow bandwidth drivers are pistonic. Most paper cone single driver speakers are out of phase a LOT
see the Vandersteen video of the German laser scanning machine of the 7 midrange vs another highly regarded midrange....
making an efficient pistonic driver is the holy grail.
getting cheap high trash output out of a single driver w big motor not so difficult