
So in our never ending quest of upgrades i am looking to get into vinyl again.my last turntable was a technics over 35 years ago. This is my current equipment.Aragon aurum preamp Aragon palladium monoblocks nordost spm interconects and speaker wire.Focal electras 920. Digital playback is a Yba integre cd player. Room is about 12x27 . Budget would be 2500 to 3000. Dollares. More importantly having little knowledge on setting up a turntable i want to buy new and from a local brick and mortar dealer. So here are the choices.Mofi , pro ject, rega ,marantz and denon.
A nice used VPI HW-19 mk iii or iv would be a solid choice and for around 1000 to 2000 depending on arm and cart.  easier to work on if need but I doubt you will need to
I've heard this said on AGon before: "If you don't have LOTS of vinyl to start with, don't get a turntable". Seriously, digital is so good now and it's only getting better. Myself? I just hate having to get up every twenty minutes to flip the record or put on a new one (PLUS cleaning, tick&pops, storage, etc.). Good luck.
Asw,  the MoFi deck is fine. Great Deck for the money.
dweller, I suspect you could use the exercise. I lift at my gym twice a week just to make sure I’ll be able to lift my tone arm. 
My dream, in "days of yore" (pre digital) was to obtain a reel-to-reel tape deck so I could copy new albums (before they got scratched) and not have to flip them to side-B...
Question: Since you are limited to hands-on bricks and mortar, what do you need us for? Go and listen.