
So in our never ending quest of upgrades i am looking to get into vinyl again.my last turntable was a technics over 35 years ago. This is my current equipment.Aragon aurum preamp Aragon palladium monoblocks nordost spm interconects and speaker wire.Focal electras 920. Digital playback is a Yba integre cd player. Room is about 12x27 . Budget would be 2500 to 3000. Dollares. More importantly having little knowledge on setting up a turntable i want to buy new and from a local brick and mortar dealer. So here are the choices.Mofi , pro ject, rega ,marantz and denon.
Contact Matt at VPI Industries they are in their 40th year.  He is the owner and you'll be set for life
Sota quality and sound is outstanding, and 100% made in USA, https://sotaturntables.com/products/

VPI is overpriced and uses parts made in China... 

Thank you for the recommendation. They have been on my radar since I visited their booth at AXPONA 2019.  Pretty good stuff. 
Asw, bad in joke I suppose. Up here in New England we have been led to believe that Hurricane Maria sent you back to the stone age because main land USA did nothing to help you. (political blamesmanship)
The rags have you living in caves eating your children. 
SOTA makes a fabulous turntable but they don't come into there own until you get to the Sapphire which I think is more than you intended to spend. The lesser SOTAs are fine particularly if you like wood over plastic but they are nothing extraordinary. Get a Sapphire and put a Kuzma 4 point 9 on it and you will be happy forever. Otherwise I think the MoFi table is the best value.
