Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

You absolutely make no sense. Are you even considering real world cost? As I said, where I came from it costs money to purchase equipment and to hire people to do things.  

I suppose where you came from everything is free. I love to see where that is
What crawled up you and died? Your insistence on staying ignorant of what boils down to some very common knowledge around here smacks of one being willfully obtuse.

Having a particularly bad day?

All the best,

What crawled up you and died? Your insistence on staying ignorant of what boils down to some very common knowledge around here smacks of one being willfully obtuse.

Having a particularly bad day?

What the hell is this? Have you gone completely insane? I don’t even know what got in to you? Are we talking about cable break-in?

Maybe you’re trying to get warmed up for a horror flick.
Maybe you’re just on drugs?
That's probably the most psycho post I've seen here.

I don’t think there is a lot of excuse for not doing it, at least for a reasonable amount of time, say 144 hours (1 week).

Except nobody is doing it except probably for some high end cables which the cost has already taken into account.  

I am getting scared for whoever you're doing consulting work for.  That is if that's your actual job.  

Oh well ... if you want in indulge into your own wet dreams, who am I to stop.  

The newbie guesses that the next time a woman peeks into this forum will be the first time.