Luxman L590AXii vs Accuphase E-650 for a Shindo lover

I have loved tubes all my audiophile life, but looking to pare down to a SS integrated.
These two are the only ones under consideration (not looking for other recos).

I love the Shindo sound (in an ideal world I would own a full Shindo system), rich, full, lush yet transparent with ample details and good thumping bass.

In that case which of these two amps would work best. Where I live Accuphase is 50% more expensive than the Luxman, so that is also worth considering while buying.

My speakers are Devore O/96s. Source AMR DP777
Isn't comparing the Luxman 590axii to the Accuphase line kind of an apples and oranges comparison. The 590axii is a true class A amp. Isn't the Accuphase line class A/B? Major difference.

IMHO, the Luxman 509x (being class A/B) would be a much more accurate comparison to the Accuphase 600/650 vs the Luxman 590axii. And, as someone has already mentioned, even the newer and older versions of the 590ax sound different from one another...let alone sounding very different from the Accuphase line. It stands to reason, if you prefer class A/B amps you're going to prefer the Accuphase line to the Luxman 590axii.

Did you buy the Accuphase E-650 yet? I am also considering E-650 to simplify my setup and would like to know your feedback. 
Mmmm...guess I didn't have my facts straight. The 600/650 are class A. Disregard my post.

No, I am still pondering......
Problem is my speakers are notorious for only liking tubes. But I talked to someone who loved Accuphase with their Devores as much as they did Shindo.
I don't know if I should take the risk again having burnt my fingers once with matching an SS amp with my speakers because it's impossible to find these amps used.