Perfect Path Technologies

Other threads have been focused on one particular product, and I thought it might be appropriate to start a more general one to discuss various current (and future) products from this company. Users of PPT products, and those who are interested in or considering them, please post your experience, thoughts, questions etc.

Lively, spirited dialog is encouraged, but please, be respectful and do not engage in personal attacks on, or disparagement of, other posters. Remember, tolerance is all about how we treat those we disagree with.

I purchased a new home in early October, so I have been in the process of getting my system set up, settled in, and back to where it was before. During that time I had forgotten a little bit how profound the “Perfect Path Effect” is. Does it defy conventional thinking, and easy explanation? Absolutely, but I have proven to myself over and over that it is very real.

All the signal and AC connections in my system were previously treated with Total Contact. It had plenty of time to cure, so I did not reapply it when I set up this time. I have 16 of the original Omega mats, two each under my CD transport, DAC, pre, amp, power strip, on top of my speakers, and on the outside of my breaker box. I have an Alpha card on the back of both speakers, over the crossover. I have StopIts on the unused inputs and output of my pre. I have StopIt ACs in all the unused listening room outlets. The latest addition is a pair of Omega+ mats on the outside of my breaker box.

I could go on and on about natural detail & dynamics, coherence, involvement with, and just plain “realness” of the music, but, in the end, it’s something you have to hear for yourself. I really wish I could have everyone that reads this over to listen with me 🙂

Buy music not hearsay.
That is how a community like this should operate... 
Music lovers who relate their experiences, in relation to products they have used. It will be subjective. As my views are.

If you have not tried something, why do people think they can dismiss the listening experiences of others?
mijostyn, there is no one more skeptical of tweaks than me.  I have not tried a designer fuse, or any tweaky products other than the original emats, which I have used for about a month.  

I never really was on board with Oregonpapas over the top descriptions of how the emats worked.  

OK, here it is, my system has been lifted way up from where it was.  Everything is just so much more.  System is Copland CTA 305 tube preamp, recently updated by John Wright Meitner MTR 101 monoblocs amps, Meitner transport and modded DAC, updated Thorens TD 160 turntable, and Avance speakers (look them up).  Alternately a Parasound A21+ enters.  

Bottom line, the mats are a winner.
They are indeed impressive. The sound of my system took a brief turn south last night. I have learned to take this as a good sign when breaking in PPT products. Sure enough, it came back better than ever today 😀
^^^ I wish you guys could hear what my speakers are doing now since the two Omega + mats were attached to the rear of the speakers. Astounding, to say the least.
