Pjw and Rok, you guys are concerned about "welfare cheats" but find 700 billion of your money, our money going to Wall Street OK. That sounds backwards to me. I say you both have been programmed to think positive for the rich and negative for the poor; you look down on the poor, but admire the rich swindlers, the "flim flam" men.
New BMW's can cost from 50 to 100,000; I don't know which one's you saw, but I "double dog" guarantee you they did not belong to a welfare recipient. While you saw them in that neighborhood, and it's possible to have seen a Lamborghini in that neighborhood, it didn't belong to a "welfare recipient", a dope dealer most likely; he's someone who couldn't make it on Wall Street and chose the Black mans path to riches.
He sells dope to the people who can't cope with the insanity in the ghetto that is the direct result of "economic racism" in this country; poverty that has been passed down for centuries from one generation to the next. Now lower middle class white people (the real middle class is more affluent and less racist) have someone to look down on and feel superior to.