BoB was NOT the turning point and the UK could never have defeated Germany alone. The Brits were in no way capable, in the fall of 1940, to invade northwest Europe so they panned and carried out bombing rins over Germany which was a dismal failure.
In the 10 raids bomber command launched against Berlin between June and November 1941, 133 Germans were killed compared with casualties in the RAF of 3 times that much. At the same time British aircraft losses in 1941, mostly bombers, were more then double those in 1940 - (1,034 vs 492)
In the 10 raids bomber command launched against Berlin between June and November 1941, 133 Germans were killed compared with casualties in the RAF of 3 times that much. At the same time British aircraft losses in 1941, mostly bombers, were more then double those in 1940 - (1,034 vs 492)