Why no “Break in” period?

If people say there’s a break in period for everything from Amps to cartridges to cables to basically everything... why is it with new power conditioners that people say they immediately notice “the floor drop away” etc.  Why no break in on that?

I’m not trying to be snarky - I’m genuinely asking.
I sort of think we are chasing our tails here and Andy you really need to put that stuff down.
Oregonpapa, a new tight belt may slow certain types of motors down fractionally turning some energy to heat so there is a rational for the change in sound. Although I must say we are very bad a discerning slow changes. We are much better with abrupt ones. If capacitors "break in" at all it is withing seconds to a minute of being charged for the first time. That would also be a pretty bad cap as their performance is specified to be within a certain percentage. They may deteriorate over time I have no idea how fast. I'll have to look that up. As I said before the most variable and unpredictable part of any audio "system" is the brain that is listening. Think of a viable reason why something would occur and test for it. In the turntable with a new belt case just check the speed when the belt is new then check it every 24 hours and document the speed change then buy another belt and do it again. One of the most important characteristic of a scientific fact is that it is repeatable. 
Prof, I have come to the conclusion that Geoff can not slow down. He is bipolar 1. So don't blame him he is not responsible for his actions/words.
Geoff, yes I agree. Vinyl sounds better but you really have to stop counting the revolutions:)
If it talks like a newbie and walks like a newbie it’s probably a newbie. I won’t mention any names, but they start with P and M.
geoff, geoff, geoff,... They are the victims here. Just trying to teach us that we can't possibly be hearing what we are hearing. 

BTW mijostyn, are you a doctor of capacitors or does your knowledge just automatically apply to capacitors? The reason I'm asking is capacitor companies (these are people who made there life profession, capacitors), state there is a break in period.  


geoff, geoff, geoff,... They are the victims here. Just trying to teach us that we can't possibly be hearing what we are hearing.

Who is "they?"
Me (in this very thread):
There is of course nothing wrong with just buying gear and trying it, feeling like it makes a difference we like, and buying it. As I’ve pointed out a million times, I don’t go trying to test everything I buy with scientific rigor.

I am not saying you are wrong in your claims. I’m actually open to the possibility of fuses sounding different, burn-in etc.

And I pointed out I hadn't come to a firm conclusion on the matter myself.

If you switch to M and P, it makes all the difference.
Instead of divergence, there’ll be convergence.
And there’ll be solution to the equations.

Now Albert’s coming back.
Make yourself a bit smart.

We have lingered in the chambers of the sea.
Until the fog horn sounds the alarm.
Our journey from sea to land.