Room Correction - Roon + REW (Room EQ Wizard)


Does any of you Ladies or Gentlemen have any experience with the digital room correction using Roon and REW in combination?

I am mainly interested in hearing about result, e.g. worth was it the effort or have your refereed back to original setup?


I have not, but all of my experience shows that room acoustics + EQ are better than EQ alone. :)

Good luck!
Absolutely have to say that Roon and REW are a game changer for me in my family room. I’d love to be able to treat my room properly, but because my system is in a main living space, physical treatment options are limited. Using REW to generate a convolution .wav file to reduce a few nasty bass peaks (btw, never use it to boost any frequency ramge), along with a nasty 3k to 4KHz peak, has made my system tremendously enjoyable and addictive! I can’t see moving away from this setup!
Hi 1markr,

I'm in the same situation, main system in our living room, some room treatment (absorbers) at the far end (and a Xmas tree now :).

Actually quite satisfied but always wonder about how to maximize potential under given circumstances.

Thanks for your response.