Difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables?

Is there a difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables, or purely in the implementation?
I've been trying different digital cables over the past three months.A couple of them were OCC silver which to me sounds too soft and smooth as opposed to Kimber which was edgy and harsh.Furutech (copper) was decent but somewhat smeared the music.I've got an Audio Envy on the way.I do like their ics.
Right now I'm using a Silnote Morpheus lll ($495)and it may be the winner.They do have a couple that are lower cost of you want to check them out.These are gold/silver/copper.There is no smearing and and a very good blend of warmth and detail.I have no idea if it's just the connectors that make the difference,but they do all sound different to me.
Something I liked quite a bit was an old Gabriel Gold ic cable which is also gold/silver/copper.It smeared the music a little and seemed more dynamic with a bit of edge and grit,but I like rock and blues so it made for some colorful enhancement.The Silnote is more refined.In the next few days I'll compare to the AE and see what happens.My two cents,hope it helps some:-)
I was lucky to find the Jorma used so I paid much less than $1700 that's why I said be sure to check the used digital cables on here you will find some great deals.
If you want neutrality and unbelievable sound quality, look no further than Inakustik… I’m using a full loom and they are leaps above the 20+ brands I have tried.

Robert Neill is the Distributor:




For a digital cable? No. Heck no. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

Construction can make big differences in noise, impedance, etc., but for a digital cable for audio if properly constructed silver or copper will make 0 difference. Emphasis on proper construction for material properties. 

W.r.t. the RCA connectors good for 50, 75, 100 ohm. No. Almarg you are too nice. First, pretty much no RCA is correct for characteristic impedance so likely the RCA stated was just equally bad for all impedances and hence little difference would be seen.

People will perceive differences and then try to assign them to something they understand even though they have no idea why the difference (or even with certainty that there is). That may sound harsh, but true.  In a high quality DAC, signal jitter can be virtually eliminated. It's not the 90s any more.