Another marketing gimmick?

Put micro sized components in a glass structure that resembles a vacuum tube?

Im thinking pure aesthetics were the goal here. No need to put those "advances" mosfets in a glass tube?

I guess someone will buy it.
Perfect for the buyer "innovative stuff?"

A look at the manual, and it appears the designer even put orange LED's in the faux tube. This thing is just....odd.

It better sound good for $14K! Plenty of SS amps for less, that sound great.
There's always a market for snake oil. The real question is how big that market will be.
I'll wager you could put the metronome inside a tube and it would stop that annoying "ticking" sound! 
OMG, you guys are becoming a cult.

That's just an aesthetic take on a what reviewers say is a great sounding amp. It's a Gallium nitride power FET device that only the maker has access to, since he designed it. All other GaN devices are for radar and if used for audio, are modified or backward engineered. It replaces silicon devices as it's way faster.

Here's a review of it:

The reason he put it in a tube is, wait for it, he's somewhat an artist as well as an engineer.

All the best,