Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
Saying that the earth is there for more than 50 years is not an argument against climate change, and is in the drawer of totally useless claims just upper to the one where some dogmatic claim that the earth will be going better without humans at all... The first affirmation is a truism, the second an absurdity...

I am sorry to say that.... Between truism and absurdity there is precisely tough a place for the thinking process to begins out of these drawers so to speak...
To be afraid of sharks presence in our bathroom is not a fear  corresponding to a probable real event to say the least. (odds are too high)...

Those who fears about the future of humanity linked to climate change are absolutely not in the same category at all...

Even the more extreme naysayers will admit that, except those insane...

Then any reasonable sceptics, forgetting his rhetoric and his propaganda, can discuss with any climate changes scientist or people, forgetting their own rhetoric and propaganda... The question is simple : are we able to discuss, forgetting rhetoric and propaganda ?

Do our egos need climate changes debate to boost themselves?

Or are we looking for "truth" ? I put truth in parentheses because it is not an object to be owned, nor a price in a competition, or the result of a vote, not even the mechanical conclusion of a syllogism...It is a direction for our own thinking process each one of us and the meeting point for all of us if we look carefully for it...If you dont understand this last point ask your wife about it... :)
The length of time the earth has existed has nothing to do with what's happening now. For most of the earth's existence humans did not exist. This is really happening whether or not you  believe it, also here is something I can never figure out.

Fine you don't believe climate change is real. But don't you have to consider what if it is? What is we continue what we've been doing which we are as the administration rolls out new plans to poison our rivers, lakes and waterways. But what if it's true? And you ignored it? And it's really too late? What then?
I'm still waiting to hear from that 5th dentist. 
I'm sure his opinion is a valid as any naysayer.

All the best,
@djones5 , well....I guess I should preface certain HO’s with not-to-be-misinterpreted in:

’The following comment contains Irony’....or ’is Snide Observation on the posters’ part’.....

I mistakenly thought that ’___’ would suffice, but apparently not....

OK....some interpretations may help...

Floor show = 12 pages and still underway

Amusing act = No resolutions in sight; even a simple agreement on what would seem to be ’common knowledge’ is rare.

"...stay off Broadway,..." = ...which occasionally hosts sheer mind-numbing ’Bombs’.

Character A; "....there’s nothing left to say..."

Character B; "And there’s no one write an this dumb-ass play!" (B slumps over, feigning death)

PLEASE NOTE: The previous is the Humble Opinion of it’s poster. No personal attacks or attributions are intended nor implied. The poster willingly accepts the potential of being accused as a ’Troll’, or any other depreciative description. The poster is solely responsible for said post’s content. The poster reserves the Right to, in the event of crowd’s appearing on his doorstep and/or property, unleash whatever means of ’crowd control’ strikes his fancy, fear, or deranged amusement. Individuals may be eaten.

There...feel better?

I really don’t care, frankly....;)
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