Smooth sounding integrated

I’m looking for a smooth sounding solid state integrated amp that is not muffled sounding for less the $1000. Is there anything like this? Years ago I had a Denon stereo receiver that sounded pleasant for tv and movies in our lively family room. A lot has changed since then and would like to try going down this road again, but with a better integrated amp for the family room.
If you get a chance, try Yamaha 501/701/801 amplifiers. I have listened to 701 a lot and often and, surprise, with Monitor Audio Silver speakers (200? floorstanding, around $1500-2000?).

In my opinion, much more detailed and overall better than Marantz amplifer from a few years prior to that. Not that it means anything.
Bel Canto C5i is smooth and clean  as it gets and might be had used for under $1k. 
You'll probably want more than 50 watts with your Silver 6s. They measured at 87 dB.