Higher End DACs

I am looking for a DAC (potentially streamer&DAC) to be paired in a mcintosh system (c1100/611). Its my first foray into digital streaming and I have no need for a CD player.

I see a lot of love for Esoteric, however, most seems to be around their transports? Are they not as renowned for pure digital streaming and/or standalone DACs? I see DCS (for instance) often referenced for standalone DACs - how does Esoteric compare?
I have a NAIM server on HRS isolation and damping with a Pardo LPSU into an Aesthetix Pandora Signature - very musical, organic. Nice to see a civil helpful thread :-)

don’t underestimate isolation for vibration, signal and power!
I feel what's being overlooked is the resolving power of your speakers.
An advanced DAC would cost a lot but you might not be able to discern 
everything it's doing without very accurate transducers. I don't know enough about streaming, but with the pace of improvements in technology, I would welcome modularity when it comes to digital playback so that upgrading could be done in the field. Also, I am one of these "oddballs" who goes to a demo and can't hear a significant difference between item-A and item-B (which costs twice as much).
Item-B may look a little "newer" and have a few extra inputs (I won't need) and a nicer display, but it's not so much the cost but the degree of real improvement, which is small. 
What’s Best Forum across the best DAC’s is another reference depends on your budget but fun to read about.
In case no one has said it I’m trying the Lampizator Amber III DAC and have an upgraded PS Audio PerfectWave DAC.
I strongly recommend the AudioAlchemy DTI PRO32 for jitter control. Couple hundred bucks very well spent. Mutec make a similar unit. Have fun!
I highly recommend the PS Audio Directstream DAC with the Network Bridge II. At $6899 it is well within your budget and, if you buy directly from them, you can evaluate it at home and return it for a full refund if you dont like it. I dont think you'll return it...

I own the ND 555 streamer/DAC with the 555 PS DR power supply and a Uniti Core ripper/hd server.  I like how it sounds.  I use to own their 555 CD player, which I thought sounded better than their servers, but, their current top-of-the-line server is quite good.  I have almost 5,000 CDs ripped to the server.  I don't know how it compares with other high end servers and dacs, but, the dealer who sold it to me said he was surprised himself by how it performed compared to the other stuff he carries, and he has some auite good gear in the shop, like the ultra expensive MBS and the Berkeley stuff.