Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne

Hey guys,

Has anyone heard the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne? Just saw this pic from CES 2011.


Any thoughts on this one?
I'm new posting here but have followed this a while since there's been a lot of talk about the speakers.

> When he bought his Dartzeel amp he was told he could
> audition a pair. A year later he was told he can't.
You're kidding. Either production is really screwed up or your friend was conned, or both. Either way it doesn't look good and you don't know what to believe. It's time to move on.

I've always bought speakers first, then an amp that works well with them and with others, in case I get tired of them, which sometimes happens.
At the time I was frustrated, but I’m happy as hell now, that my purchase inquiry went unanswered... Whew!
I find these speakers intriguing. Been keeping my eyes open for a review. I came across a recent article that mentions that they speakers may be made overseas:

The Evolution Acoustics web site says they were supposed to have started shipping May 1.

Anyone know if that has happened yet?